What is a Doula?

The official role of the doula is to accompany and support the pregnant woman in all physical, mental, and spiritual aspects through all the stages of pregnancy and birth. 

She assists in practicing for birth, contributes to understanding the process on all levels, helps the woman build an orderly birth plan and to support her when the plans need to be changed so that she has a plan B. Helping the pregnant woman with movements, breathing, gaining tools for alleviating fear and pain, and supports her with massage, reflexology, herbs and nutritional guidance. All in order to allow the birth to be the most beautiful, healing and empowering process for the mother and child. 

Even after the birth, the doula accompanies the mother in the initial breastfeeding phase, supporting her with extensive training with a dedicated postpartum massage aimed at reuniting the body and preventing postpartum depression, breastfeeding consultation, support with herbs, and nutritional advice to restore body and mind strength.

In Our School 

In a unique program that aims to give you wide knowledge you will gain in depth knowledge about massage during pregnancy and childbirth itself that help the labor induction when the need arises.

  • Reflexology, 

  • Breath work and yoga for pregnancy and birth,

  • Essential oils for pregnancy, birth and after birth in order to support the women in her new path

  • Maori traditional healing for birth,

  • Working with midwives in home births and in hospitals, 

  • Water birth,

  • Support for a quiet birth,

  • The understanding of all hospital procedures and more.

Our goal is  to bring healing and love to this magical creation and allow the mother and the newborn to start their lives together in the best way possible. 

It is common to think that a Doula accompanies only the first birth, but the support of a doula also needed in the birth of a second child and beyond. A Doula can greatly support the mother who, with the help of the doula, will be able to cope better and devote herself to the birth despite all the tasks she has in her life with caring for her other children, as well as perhaps succeed in aiming for a more relaxed and enjoyable birth than the previous births. 

Join us on this enchanting journey where healing, love, and knowledge converge to create powerful beginnings for mothers and newborns alike. Discover more about our transformative course.

NZ Doula College

We have woven together a curriculum that combines ancient and traditional knowledge with innovative and modern knowledge in order to give the training participants such broad and empowering tools because we believe that a happy life begins with a happy birth… And the Doula can help that magic happen!

We want to make the pregnancy, the birth, and the initial period after it an inclusive and enveloping empowering experience for the mother and the newborn.